Tame The Distraction Dragon

Thanks for enrolling

in Tame The Distraction Dragon!

I'm so glad to have you!

Please, note the following:

In the next few minutes or so, you will receive 2 emails in your inbox from Smart Leadership Hut.

(When they are NOT in your Inbox, please check your SPAM folder.)

Email 1: Confirm Your Account

This email is to make sure that we are not sending emails to the wrong people.

Please confirm that you are YOU by clicking on the big green button that says "Confirm Email".

IMPORTANT: Please do confirm your email address because otherwise otherwise you might not be able to log into your account and access the training.

Note: you will not receive this email if you are already a Teachable member. In that case you will receive only the email below.

Email 2: You are now enrolled in Tame The Distraction Dragon

This email confirms that you are enrolled in the training.

In this email you will find, again, a  big green button, that says "Access course".

Click on this button, and you'll land on the course page for this training.

When you access the course before the starting date of September 2nd, you will see the course curriculum but you will not be able to access the course content.

Starting September 2nd, you will receive every week an email stating that a new module in the training has been released.

If you haven't got those 2 emails, please check your SPAM folder.

If they are not there, please shoot me an email at info@smartleadershiphut.com.

And if you have any other question, please shoot me an email as well.

