
The S.T.A.R.T. Method Training added to my knowledge and familiarity about long-term motivation and did so in easily understood ways. The Training gave many practical steps and examples that grounded it in daily life. It certainly left me wanting more! I've already recommended it to people who'll benefit from it just like I have.

Erik kort - Writer, Patient Services Coordinator

Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself?

Are you having a hard time getting started?

Are you a quitter?


The S.T.A.R.T. Method Training

might be the perfect answer for you!

The START Method Training

On Day 1 you'll get the overview of the S.T.A.R.T. Method.

On Day 2 you'll discover how to set your True North so that you will never get lost again and always be motivated.

Then on Day 3 you will learn how to turn on the heat to give you that extra edge.

And on Day 4 you will find out how to anticipate your highs and lows so that they will boost your motivation and that you won't get demotivated.

And then on Day 5 you will learn how to use your highs and lows in such a way that they will have the most positive impact on you.

And on Day 6 you will discover how to track your progress and how this boost your motivation even further.

On Day 7 we wrap-up the S.T.A.R.T. Method with the answers to common question I get.

I'm really excited about this method, and I hope you will be too after following this training! Check it out for yourself!

How to motivate yourself

I'm really excited about this method, and I hope you will be too after following this training!

Check it out for yourself!
